9 Products Should Never Use For Office Cleaning

9 Products Should Never Use For Office Cleaning

The use of the proper office cleaning materials by commercial cleaners results in a cleaner and safer workplace. However, when cleaners employ incorrect products, this is no longer the case. So, at the very least, your workplace will be less tidy than it should be. In certain instances, it may even be dirtier than it was before.

And it doesn’t even begin to address the dangers to property and persons. For example, applying the incorrect product on some kinds of surfaces might result in lasting property damage. Worse, if business cleaners misuse dangerous cleaning materials, people’s health may be endangered.

In this article, QueenBee will show you some dangerous cleaning products and why you shouldn’t use them.

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The intensity of toxic chemicals in typical office cleaners ranges from acute (immediate) risks such as skin or respiratory troubles, chemical burns, or watery eyes to chronic (long term) hazards such as cancer, reproductive issues, ADHD, a damaged immune system, and more.

The majority of hazardous compounds discovered in home cleansers fall into one of the following categories:

  • Carcinogens are substances that cause or encourage cancer.
  • Endocrine disruptors — substances that mimic human hormones and produce erroneous signals inside the body, resulting in infertility, precocious puberty, miscarriage, menstruation problems, ADHD, and even cancer.
  • Neurotoxins are substances that disrupt brain function and induce symptoms such as headaches and memory loss.


1. Alkyphonl ethoxylates (APEs)

Cleaning products containing Alkyphonl ethoxylates (APEs) and their compounds are used in a broad range of household cleansers. They may, however, cause serious health issues and illnesses. APEs can imitate hormonal estrogen, which promotes breast cancer, according to various reports and research.

2. Bleach 

Your cleaners should never mix ammonia-based cleansers with bleach or other chlorine-based products and dishwashing detergent since this produces harmful vapors that may harm your health and the environment.

3. Ethelyne diamine tetraacetic acid 

Using cleaning products containing Ethelyne diamine tetraacetic acid and its derivatives might cause major health concerns such as lung or asthma difficulties.

4. Corrosive Chemical Products

Many cleaning products include corrosive and hazardous chemicals, including ammonia, lye, and chlorine bleach. These chemicals irritate the throat, lungs, nose, and eyes because they emit harmful and poisonous fumes when used.

5. Feather dusters 

Your cleaners staff should avoid using flock dusters since they can only clean a portion of your property. In addition, compared to a vacuum cleaner or other cleaning equipment, they do not effectively remove dust and grime from surfaces.

6. Diethanolamine and triethanolamine Products

Diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA) are two ingredients that should be avoided by your cleaning staff as well (TEA). This group of substances is neurotoxic, which means that they have the potential to cause significant harm to your nervous system and brain.

7. Non–microfiber cloth 

If you want your cleaning staff to clean and tidy the surfaces of your office or your items, never provide them with non-microfiber cloths. Their use is not sanitary, and they do not clean as thoroughly as a micro-fiber material does.

8. 2-Butoxyethanol 

This is a primary component in a window and house cleaning solutions, and it is also included in several cosmetics. However, according to various publications, breathing the gases emitted by 2-butoxyethanol regularly might result in throat issues, lung edema, kidney and liver damage, etc.

Therefore, office owners with cramped quarters or tiny offices should avoid items containing the chemical mentioned above.

9. Sodium Hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide-based cleaning chemicals often used to clean ovens and drains are very tart in their natural state. If it comes into touch with your skin or eyes, it may cause severe burns that last for many days, as well as throat irritation and discomfort.


Chemical-based cleaners that are harsh and hazardous to the environment might cause severe illness and health problems if used regularly. To maintain a clean and sanitary environment, make sure that you only use environmentally friendly and non-toxic cleaning products in your office.

QueenBee Cleaning Pty LTD

  • Address:
  • 42A Bougainville St Forrest ACT 2603
  • 3/5 Daphne close Kingswood NSW 2747
  • Hotline: 1800 1 CLEAN (25326)
  • Email: info@queenbeecleaning.com.au

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