How Often Should White Plastic Chairs Be Cleaned?

How Often Should White Plastic Chairs Be Cleaned?

Spills and stains caused by grass, mud, food, tree sap, or bird droppings should be
removed as soon as possible. A thorough cleaning at the start of the outdoor season will frequently last all summer. Always clean the chairs well before storing them for the winter.

Set up a Cleaning Area

Spread a plastic tarp in a sunny location near a garden hose. Transfer any chairs or
other plastic furniture that needs to be cleaned to the tarp.

Make a Cleaning Solution

There are a variety of cleaning treatments that are effective for white plastic chairs.
Select one to use for your cleaning session.

If the chairs are mildewed, use a spray bottle filled with a solution of 25% water and
75% distilled white vinegar before doing a thorough cleaning. Apply to mildewed areas and wait 10 minutes before
cleaning thoroughly.

Cleaning Solutions:

  • Fill a bucket with one gallon of
    lukewarm water and one-fourth cup of dishwashing liquid. To disseminate the soap, give it a good
  • Stir together one gallon of lukewarm
    water and one-half cup baking soda.
  • To one gallon of lukewarm water, add
    one-fourth cup of an all-purpose cleanser.

Wash and rinse the chairs

Using a sponge or a soft-bristled nylon brush, wash the chairs from the top down to
catch unclean water drops. Sprinkle a little dry baking soda on the sponge or brush to act as a soft abrasive to assist lift stains.

When cleaning white or colored plastic chairs, avoid using abrasive cleaners. Gritty
cleansers and abrasive scrubbing pads will damage the plastic and cause filth to accumulate in the groves.

Whiten Dingy and Stained Chairs

If the chairs are still dingy and soiled, use an oxygen-based bleach solution. Oxygen
bleach is a gentle, slow-acting bleach that eliminates stains and shines plastics. It is less corrosive and
destructive to plastics than chlorine bleach, and it is more environmentally friendly. While cleaning, the oxygen bleach and water solution will not hurt grass or plants.

In a bucket, combine one gallon of lukewarm water and one-half to one cup of powdered
oxygen bleach, depending on how soiled your white chairs are. Stir thoroughly to combine and dissolve the powder.

When the chairs are clean of dirt and debris, thoroughly rinse them with a garden hose.
If the chairs are clean and white, use a microfiber towel to dry them or lay them in the sun to air-dry. If they remain dingy, proceed to the next step.

Make use of the Oxygen Bleach Solution

Wearing rubber gloves, apply the oxygen bleach solution with a sponge or soft-bristled nylon brush. Begin at the top and use your bare hands to help loosen the entrenched soil.

Allow at least 15 minutes for the solution to sit on the chairs to help whiten the plastics. It will not harm the chairs if you leave it longer.

Rinse and pat dry

Rinse the chairs thoroughly with a garden hose and dry them with a microfiber towel or sun-dry.

How to Keep White Plastic Chairs Cleaner for a Longer Period of Time

Once the chairs are clean and white, add a thin coat of automotive paste wax to preserve
them that way for longer. Spread the wax on the seats with a dry, soft cloth or sponge. Using a dry towel, buff the surface. The wax aids in the removal of stains and grime from the plastic.

Leave the seats away from trees that shed blooms or leaves.

During the winter, clean, cover, and store the chairs indoors to keep them safe from freezing temperatures. When placing the chairs outside, use an outdoor umbrella to help protect them.


Above are QueenBee’s instructions for you. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you, but if you don’t have the time and tools to do it, don’t hesitate to give us a call for advice.

QueenBee Cleaning Pty LTD

  • Address:
  • 22 Hopetoun CCT, Deakin, ACT, 2600
  • 3/5 Daphne close Kingswood NSW 2747
  • Hotline: 1800 1 CLEAN (25326)
  • Email:

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