Effective Japanese Cleaning Techniques

Effective Japanese Cleaning Techniques

Cleaning the house quickly and neatly is always a topic that women care about and welcome. The Japanese have long been famous for their neat, clean, and simple lives. So how do the Japanese people not clean the house? Let’s find out and answer that with QueenBee in this article.

  1. Collect and sort furniture.

One of the quick and tidy home cleaning methods that the Japanese apply is to collect and group furniture. Accordingly, if the family has many members, start by sorting and arranging the furniture in the house into many different groups.

After you have fully synthesized, you just need to clean up each group of furniture. This will save a lot of time while still ensuring that all the furniture is in order.

  1. Definitely discard items that are no longer in use.

Surely there will be items in the house that you have not used for a long time. However, with the mentality of “letting go, love, and sin,” many families will not be willing to throw these items away. But this is the main reason why your house is always untidy.

So, get rid of unnecessary items for you and your family. Suggestions for you if you have too many clothes and shoes that are no longer used or used as charity donations will be very helpful.

  1. Order of cleaning

In Japan, they usually only clean the furniture first and the room later, not at the same time. That is, only when you tidy up all the furniture and arrange it neatly will it take a long time to clean and sweep the room. Surely, when applying this cleaning method, work efficiency will increase significantly. Especially for families who do not have much time to take care of their home.

  1. Determine the location of each sort of object

Only by establishing a spot for each sort of object can you avoid wasting time thinking about and searching for that item when it is required. This is a method for making Japanese house cleaning easier and faster. Fix the house key, car key, TV remote, watch, and bag to the bedroom hook.

  1. Arrange the work order from the beginning before cleaning, and stick to it

Creating a house cleaning routine is the greatest method to save time and avoid missing tasks. As a result, the Japanese will begin washing the ofe from their garments, shoes, and hats. Then tidy the desk, bookshelves, and keepsakes… Finally, clean the furnishings, electronics, kitchen, and bathroom. You can implement the housecleaning principle in this manner; it will undoubtedly yield considerable results.

  1. Principle of vertical arrangement

With small room spaces, you can clean up and arrange furniture according to the vertical principle. That is, items of the same type will be placed together vertically. For example, after the clothes are neatly folded, put them in a drawer vertically. This way, it both saves space and makes it easy to find things.

  1. Learn to cherish every single item in the house

It sounds ridiculous, but this is the way the Japanese always clean their houses. Only when you really love and cherish each item in your family can you arrange them neatly into one position. So, right now, give lots of love to your favorite items!

  1. Set specific cleaning times for items as well as cleaning areas in the house

A specific, detailed plan will help you solve the problem of cleaning the house anytime, anywhere. Let’s start by recording the time it took to clean each group of items and each area of the house. You can write down the detailed plan on paper or note it on your phone or anywhere, as long as you can ensure the most specific and detailed schedule.

  1. Don’t clean each area without overlapping

The fastest way to clean the Japanese house is to zone out the areas that need to be cleaned first. For example, today you will clean the bedroom, living room,… If not done, the next day will continue to clean the kitchen, bathroom, balcony,…Thus ensuring all areas are clean. clean and do not overlap schedules.


These are the nine cleaning procedures used by the Japanese to maintain a clean, warm, and tidy home. I hope you found this information beneficial in your search for an efficient and quick cleaning method. Furthermore, if you are overworked, you can hire a cleaning crew. If you require cleaning services, QueenBee is a trustworthy partner. We have several years of experience in the cleaning industry. We’d be happy to answer any inquiries you have via the addresses below.

QueenBee Cleaning Pty LTD

  • Address:
  • 22 Hopetoun CCT, Deakin, ACT, 2600
  • 3/5 Daphne close Kingswood NSW 2747
  • Hotline: 1800 1 CLEAN (25326)
  • Email: info@queenbeecleaning.com.au

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